Special 65c Postage Stamps for Christmas Cards*

Five million fewer Seasons Greetings delivered to mailboxes across Australia

The pace of our lives have had a negative impact on this trend however we sometimes forget how pleasing it is to receive a card in the post that says a friend or family member was thinking of you enough to purchase a card and stamp, and mail it to convey to the recipient that I sent you this card because I thought of you today and I wanted you to know.

We are so busy at Christmas and it's an easy option to click and send

We forget how pleasing it is to receive a card in the post until we receive one ourselves

Two thirds of parents believe handwriting will be a lost art in 20 years time as the way we communicate changes

Handwriting is a dying art and Greeting Cards can provide an excellent substitute. They are a personal tactile method of proving a lifelong treasure to a friend or family member. Electronic greetings do not have the same impact

We don't take time out to write like our grandparents did so children don't actually see us write only tap on a phone or laptop

Writing a greeting card can help this as you can get the kids involved. It's quick, personal, and provides a lifelong treasure to a friend or family member


The Australian Greeting Card Association (AGCA) is encouraging Australians to #TakeToInk and write to their loved ones this Christmas

The Australian Greeting Card together with Australia Post are promoting a special postage rate of 65c for Christmas Cards for the months of November and December. All post office preferred cards qualify for this special rate.

Take advantage of this terrific offer to send Seasonal Greeting cards to friends and family this Christmas

Get the kids and grandkids involved and post your card on Instagram with the hashtag #TakeToInk

With almost half of Australian adults admitting to having problems with literacy [1] the simple art of sending a handwritten Christmas cards is at risk of becoming a lost art.

Handwritten cards not only help us with our literacy skills, they allow us to connect and share our emotions and reconnect with family, regardless of geography. Receiving a physical letter, especially from a distant loved one creates unique feelings of joy and 70% of Australians believe the simple act of handwriting helps them be more aware of their thoughts and feelings [2].

However, the modern world and technology is changing the way we communicate and more than half (63%) of parents believe that in 20 years time, handwriting will become a lost art [3].

This year alone, mailed letters have declined by 11% and recent research has shown that five million fewer Christmas cards are now being sent as digital alternatives grow in popularity [4].

A standard size greeting card can be sent nationally for the discounted rate of 65 cents, until 31 December 2018. The Australian Greeting Card Association is encouraging Australians to #TakeToInk this Christmas and extend their love and festive cheer by writing handwritten cards to their loved ones.

*Applies only to Post Office Preferred size cards mailed within Australia

[1] Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australia, 2011-2012
[2] Wellbeing Benefits Uncovered in World-First Study into Handwriting (OfficeWorks)
[3] BIC Handwriting Benefits, Facts and Figures
[4] The Christmas e-card blight (SMH)